Estimate Outline Cheatsheet

Creating an estimate for a construction project over three years, encompassing hardware costs, software licensing, and personnel expenses for setup and support, requires a detailed and organized approach. Here’s an outline that can guide you through this process:

Estimate Outline for Construction Project

I. Executive Summary

  • Brief overview of the project
  • Total estimated cost
  • Key highlights of the estimate

II. Project Overview

  • Description of the construction project
  • Scope and objectives
  • Duration of the project (3 years)
  • Key deliverables

III. Hardware Costs

  1. Initial Setup Costs
    • List of required hardware (computers, servers, networking equipment, etc.)
    • Unit cost of each hardware item
    • Total cost for initial setup
  2. Maintenance and Upgrades
    • Estimated maintenance costs over 3 years
    • Potential upgrade costs and their triggers

IV. Software Licensing Costs

  1. Initial Licensing Fees
    • List of required software (CAD, project management tools, etc.)
    • Cost of licenses (one-time or recurring)
    • Total initial licensing fees
  2. Ongoing Licensing Fees
    • Annual or monthly fees over 3 years
    • Potential cost increases or additional licenses

V. Personnel Costs

  1. Setup Phase
    • Roles required for setup (IT professionals, software specialists, etc.)
    • Hourly rates or salaries
    • Total personnel cost for the setup phase
  2. Operational Support
    • Ongoing support roles (technical support, software maintenance)
    • Estimated hours of support per week/month
    • Cost projections for 3 years

VI. Training Costs

  • Training programs for software or hardware
  • Cost per training session or package
  • Total training cost estimate

VII. Contingency Costs

  • Percentage of total costs to cover unforeseen expenses
  • Justification for the selected percentage

VIII. Summary of Costs

  • Table summarizing all costs:
    • Hardware Costs
    • Software Licensing Costs
    • Personnel Costs
    • Training Costs
    • Contingency Costs
  • Total Estimated Cost

IX. Assumptions and Limitations

  • Assumptions made during estimation
  • Limitations or constraints of the estimate

X. Approval and Next Steps

  • Procedure for approving the estimate
  • Next steps upon approval

XI. Appendices

  • Detailed quotes from vendors
  • Resumes or qualifications of key personnel
  • Any other relevant documentation


  • Accuracy: Regularly update the estimate as more detailed information becomes available.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust the estimate for changes in scope, unexpected delays, or changes in market prices.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of how each cost was estimated for transparency and future reference.
  • Review: Have the estimate reviewed by key stakeholders and financial experts.

This comprehensive estimate outline will help in effectively presenting and managing the financial aspects of your construction project over its three-year duration.