Python Data Science Course

[Complete Data Wrangling & Data Visualisation With Python](“file:\M:_RESOURCES\LEARNING_PYTHON_DATA_SCIENCE\Complete Data Wrangling & Data Visualisation With Python”)


  • Colt

About this Course
Learn how to make better decisions with data in this course on data analysis. We’ll start by looking at what data analysis is, and then we’ll see how we can use data analysis to create better outcomes.



  • Python2 vs Python3 - Python3 was a major overhaul and not all functions etc will be backward compatible. Python2 will be retired eventually, no longer maintained
  • Boolean ‘1’ is True, has truthiness, is not empty; while ‘0’ if False, has falsiness, is emptly
  • is vs == ; is false when not in same location in memory, even if value is equal

  • Data Types
    • Lists


  • MatPlotLib - plotting capabilites, creates static files
  • Seaborn - matplotlib backend, makes statistical plots
  • Pandas - matplotlib backend, uses .plot() calls to make static plots
  • Plotly - both a company and open source lib, for JS, React, R, Python. Creates interactive plats as .html files connected to static data sources.
  • Dash - allows for plots to interact with each other, components, or update in real time. Dash is open source lib to create full dashboard with multiple components, interactivity and multiple plots.


  • In this course, Python manupulation of lists, arrays, matrices


  • In this course, Pandas to read in datasets and select rows or columns of data
